02 — Add Auth0 user management in the Jhipster API

Vincent Delacourt
1 min readJun 20, 2018

In order to manage the users (update data, change password, ect …) we need to access to the Auth0 management API.

Once we get all the information (audience, domain, ect …) we need add it in our config file

then in properties

application:security:authentication:auth0:issuer: https://seelix.eu.auth0.com/audience: https://seelix-api.commanagement:audience: https://seelix.eu.auth0.com/api/v2/domain: seelix.eu.auth0.comclientId: kNBaKXxtdtX9Eu24MFpJJgWn4FDGJiw7clientSecret: OGKV4V....VgDN6connection: Username-Password-Authentication

Then we need to set up configuration for the Auth0 API

Then go to service.dto UserDTO

Then in service create a new service for manage the user



Vincent Delacourt

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